Archive for April, 2010

A cuppa

April 17, 2010

So we had some Brits at the office the other day, and I met with one of them in the kitchen while I was making myself a cup of tea. He wanted coffee but we had just run out so I offered him tea instead.

I pulled out the kitchen drawer where we store our tea and he just looked confused. We have about teen different types of tea, which is quite normal for an office in Sweden.

-I want normal tea, he said staring down and all the different tins of tea, and of course I knew what he meant.
-I’m very sorry we don’t do normal tea in Sweden, I said to him in my very British accent, Early Gray is as normal as it gets over here, fancy that?
-Fuck that, he kindly answered me and got back to the meeting.

Swedish builders drink strong black coffee and not tea, so you won’t find any Builders Tea in Sweden. However I could offer you a nice cup of rhubarb & cream tea, or how about some red rooibos Champagne & elderflower tea, or maybe some nice Autumn Glow tea. No?